Reiki Therapy

Reiki is a healing and relaxation therapy administered by touch. This Japanese practice uses a technique of “laying on hands” to induce physical and mental calm and reduce stress by accessing chakras, or energy centers, which are believed to facilitate the flow of life force energy through your body.


Reiki was developed a century ago as a Japanese Buddhist practice, and has since been both studied and adapted by healers and massage therapists around the world. Reiki operates on the belief that the body houses seven different chakras or energy centers, imbalances in which can cause illness or stress.


In Reiki therapy, our practitioners use specific hand placements on the recipient’s body that correspond with the different energy centers, applying techniques of massaging, touching, tapping and even focusing through sight to transfer healing energy into the chakras.


Reiki generally takes a length of time similar to that of a massage, between 45 and 90 minutes. The therapy induces a state of profound relaxation and overall well-being, and can unlock emotional tensions. Most recipients report feeling tingling or warmth in the areas being focused on by the practitioner, even at times when the recipient is not being physically touched.


One of Reiki’s main functions is to stimulate the body’s natural healing process by channeling energy to the appropriate areas, so this therapy is especially useful for clients suffering from injuries or aches.


The practitioner may also let the body’s energy guide the hand placement, transferring energy to wherever it is most needed. This allows for specific healing as well as more generalized whole body treatment. In both cases, the recipient will feel engaged on several levels:


  • Physically, through the comforting touch of warm hands.
  • Mentally, through the symbolic nature of the techniques.
  • Emotionally, through the compassionate intention of the practitioner.
  • Energetically, through the productive flow of positive life-force energy.